i have the hiccups and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY.
im really full cause i ate some easy mac and bread. i could barf.
im really proud of myself.
i always talk about school in these things. but its literally my whole life right now.school is goin really well. im averaging a 97 in english, which im stoked on. (all A's...mostly A+'s)professor loves me and thinks im the smartest thing sliced bread. like, really smart sliced bread.
ive had 2 business exams so far- i got a 94 for the first, and a 98 for the second...toppin my class...wtf.
for my economics class ive had 5 assignments, and ive gotten 5 out of 5 for each one... and a B+ for my first test.. (which is good cuz the teacher cancels class every week and we pretty much had to teach ourselves the first 6 chapters...which i didnt really do, and still pulled off that grade so whatever)
and AND im averaging a B for math. wtf? (if you knew how shit i was at math you would understand my surprise...) got a 86 for my last quiz (after corrections its gonna be at least bumped upto a 90...at least) and a 100 on my assignment. im pretty stoked. doin way better than i thought. and since adams mum is pyin for my school im kinda relieved im putting it to good use :/
to top it all off IM GOIN TO BALTIMORE FOR SPRING BREAK. oh man, cant even wait.